What Can Self-Love Do for You?

Today is my anniversary so I thought I’d send this to you today.

February and Valentine’s Day are usually thought of the time to express love and appreciation to your loved one. Yet, being kind and considerate to another person is difficult if you are feeling overextended, overwhelmed, or worn out. Love begins with being kind to yourself. Love begins with self-love.

Just as with love, self-love is about connection – reconnecting on a daily basis with what makes you feel nourished and grounded. And, it doesn’t even have to take much time.

An easy way to do this is taking a few moments here and there to pause and ask yourself, “What do I need now?” Allow an answer to come to you. At first you may simply hear your mind rattling off all the things you need to do. Or, you may hear your Inner Critic telling you, “You really don’t have time for this!” You can tell it to hush. Then, ask again. “What do I need now?”

It can be as simple as taking an eye break from the computer while you enjoy looking at the outdoors. Or, it can be enjoying the outdoors even more by going for a walk. It may be promising yourself a luxurious bubble bath this evening.

What self-love have you been yearning for?
What self-love are you longing to indulge in – if even for just a few minutes?
What would nourish your peace of mind?
What would make you feel happy, deep down to your toes?
Close your eyes and listen in. Then, write your answers down.

Most likely, you will need to say “No” to something to free up some time and energy for yourself.
What do you want to say “No” to?
Don’t be concerned right now about whether or not you think you can say “No” to it. Just ask, “What do I want to say “No” to?” Write that answer down, too.

Then, ask yourself, “What do I want to say “Yes” to?” Once, again just let the ideas come to you. Trying to figure it out will give you the same old answers your mind always gives you and won’t create peace of mind.

Here’s what came up for me:
Let go of staying awake worrying about having too much on my to-do list!
Meditate on allowing in more joy!

I’d love to hear what answers you receive. Just reply to this email.

What topics would you like to read about in this ezine? They could be self-love, your inner critic, saying “No”, creating peace of mind, and more. You can reply to this email.

Are you ready to say “Yes!” to less stress and more self-love in your life? Click here to sign up for a complimentary Empowering Self-Esteem & Confidence Strategy Consultation with me.

  • I will help you clearly identify what you’re desiring to be experiencing and achieving in your life now and how you want to grow your self-esteem and confidence.
  • We’ll look, with compassion, at what’s blocking you, including your Inner Critic.
  • I’ll suggest strategies for you to grow your peace of mind, self-esteem and confidence quickly.
  • Love, Annie
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