Don’t forget yourself on Valentine’s Day!

We usually think of Valentine’s Day as celebrating romantic love. But what if we expand it to include love and compassion for ourselves?

What are some reasons for this?

If you have a romantic partner or you’d like one:
We can only treat another person as well as we treat ourselves. This goes for all our relationships: friends and family, too.

If you want to enjoy your life just as it is now, with or without a romantic partner – you’re the one you’re always with.

So, why not show appreciation and love for you – this Valentine’s Day?

This is how I celebrated Valentine’s Day one year. I had a crummy boyfriend years ago. (I actually had several but that’s all in the past now.) I bought the crummy boyfriend a bouquet of flowers and took them over to his home. I knew he wouldn’t buy me one, so I also bought a bouquet for myself. 

I now realize I would have felt much happier if I’d skipped the flowers for him and only gotten one bouquet for me! So, how would you like to show appreciation and love for yourself?

What would make you feel nourished? Would you love some fragrant flowers? Would a flowering plant cheer you and light up your home?

A friend of mine loves to take bubble baths by candlelight. She has a special waterproof pillow just for her bathtub so she can truly relax. She often reads books in her “home spa”.

What self-care have you been dreaming of?

How would you like to show some love and appreciation for yourself?

I invite you to pick something and then do it. It doesn’t have to cost a thing. However, it needs to be something you’ve been wanting to do – just for you! 

Then, please reply to this email and let me know what you’ve chosen and how it makes you feel.

Thank you so much for being part of my community!

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