
Your Peaceful Heart CD and MP3

Listen to Track 2: Listening to the Wisdom of Your Heart Introduction:

Track listing:

  1. Welcome to Your Peaceful Heart (4:17)
    Meet your guide to being who you truly are and living your dreams.
  2. Listening to the Wisdom of Your Heart Introduction (2:40)
    How to know when you are connecting with your heart.
  3. Listening to the Wisdom of Your Heart Meditation  (7:19)
    Step by step, access your heart’s loving wisdom.
  4. Love for Healing Meditation (9:43)
    Access your spirit guides’, angels’, and your own heart’s love to relax and heal.
  5. Protection Meditation (10:37)
    Use when you’re feeling vulnerable and desire calm confidence or an energetic boundary.
  6. Decision-Making Meditation (14:55)
    Guides you on a clear path in making difficult decisions easier and helps you remove worry from your mind so you can confidently make the right decision.

Total length: 50 minutes


I had been experiencing a lot of pain in my elbow. I listened to the Love for Healing Meditation Track and when it was over, I realized that the pain was gone.

~ Lesa Patanis

VictoriaSladek (2)This CD is very relaxing. The Decision-Making Track helped me easily make a decision about my work that I had experienced difficulty with in the past. I now am more dedicated in my work.

~Victoria Sladek, Massage Therapist

Your Peaceful Heart CD $25.00 (includes shipping)


Your Peaceful Heart MP3 $25.00
